prodigal adj. 1.非常浪费的,挥霍的,奢侈的。 2.丰富的;大量的;富于 (of, with)。 3.不吝惜的;十分慷慨的。 prodigal expenses 冗费。 the prodigal son 浪子。 be prodigal of smiles 笑声不绝。 May is prodigal with flowers. 五月里百花盛开。 n. 1.浪费者;浪子。 2.【动物;动物学】军曹鱼。 play the prodigal 挥霍;逛荡。 adv. -ly
The prodigal son is not a man worth taking pity on 这个败家子是不值得同情的人。
Are you going to kill the fatted calf for the prodigal son , jack 杰克,浪子回家,你准备宰杀那头小肥牛吗?
. . . the prodigal son returns 悔改的罪人回来了
The prodigal son returns 悔改的罪人回来了
The main point of the bible story , the prodigal son is that god welcomes us to return to him 圣经所记载“浪子的比喻”这个故事的要点是神欢迎我们回到他的怀抱里。
Christianity is ever - present , with its wonderful parable of the prodigal son , to urge us to counsels of forbearance and forgiveness 基督教关于浪子回头的动人的寓言,目的就是劝告我们对人要仁慈,要宽容。
When the prodigal son demanded and took all that money , he didn t stop to think that he would ever face the problem of an empty purse 那位父亲很了不起,他决定不争辩,他把钱分给儿子,儿子拿了钱就走了。
His most famous parables ( or stories with a deep or metaphorical meaning ) include the good samaritan and the prodigal son 他最著名的寓言(或者是带有深层或隐喻性意义的故事)包括在乐善好施的撒马利亚人和回头的浪子里面。
A crowd of children came and were very happy to hear stories ( i brought the storybooks of luke , the good samaritan and the prodigal son , etc ) 一群小孩子聚集,他们很乐意听故事(我带了路得,好撒玛利亚人和浪子回家等故事书) 。
And so in the story , as you probably know , the prodigal son decides to return home . note that his father never did search for him , but he just watched for his return 在故事里,你大概知道了,他回家去,他的父亲没有到处去找他,却是盼望著他回来:一天我儿子会回来的。